Product Videos

Product Tour

RSign Product Snapshot

This RSign product overview provides a brief tour of the RSign electronic signature service and online application from a user perspective.

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Product Tour

RSign Templates & Tour

This RSign product tour provides a 6-minute demo of the RSign electronic signatures service from a user perspective, including use of templates, rules, and more.

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RSign User Account Creation

How to sign up for a new RSign eSignature account and register to activate the service for the first time.

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RSign eSignature Document Preparation

How to prepare a document with required and optional fields, and send it to a recipient to obtain their RSign electronic signatures.

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RSign eSigning Process

How the signer can fill the required fields in the document, type or hand-draw their eSignature, and return their signed document to the sender.

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RSign Templates Creation

How the sender can create RSign templates as standardized documents, save these templates so that they are reusable and send them with or without updating the document for recipient eSignature.

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RSign Document Management

How administrators and power users can view granular real time reports of all transactions with status and other transaction details, and re-send the document to signers for electronic signature if needed.

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Tool Tip

RSign Profile Settings

This video focuses on the RSign® Profile Settings and explains what they are and how to configure them.

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Tool Tip

RSign Sending Settings

This video focuses on the RSign® Sending Settings and explains what they are and how to configure them.

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Tool Tip

RSign Template Settings

This video reviews the RSign® Template Settings and explains what they do and how to configure them.

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Tool Tip

RSign Storage Settings

This video reviews the RSign® Storage Setting options and explains what they do and how to configure them.

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Tool Tip

RSign System Settings

This video reviews the RSign® System Settings. These are the Time Zone and Storage Drives Available options.

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Tool Tip

RSign E-Disclosure Settings

This video reviews the RSign® E-Disclosure Settings. This includes the Terms of Service settings and the Display Terms of Service in the Signed PDF Signature Certificate option.

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Tool Tip

RSign Out-of-Office Settings

This video reviews the RSign® Out-of-Office Settings. The out-of-office feature allows you, the sender, to have a co-worker or a manager sign your documents if you are out of the office for a period of time. This includes the First Day, Last Day, Address to Copy All RSign Emails, and Address to Re-Route All RSign Emails.

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Tool Tip

RSign Service Plan Settings

This video reviews the RSign® Service Plan Settings. This includes Plan Name, Description, Allowed Units, and Units Sent.

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Tool Tip

RSign Advanced Settings

In this video we are going to review the advanced RSign® Settings. The settings in the video are default settings that can be toggled one way or the other.

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RPortal Customer Administration

This RPortal product overview provides a brief tour of the customer administration options for company administrators, to manage user service plans, settings, reports, and more.

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How To

RPortal Customer Settings

This How-To video provides an overview of how customer administrators can manage company wide and some user specific RMail and RSign settings in a web-based management interface.

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Customer Success Story

Registered Email™ and Email Encryption

R&R Insurance Services used RMail® email encryption to secure most of the emails that are addressed to their insurance carriers and customers and RMail® Registered Email™ service to manage vendors and make them respond better.

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Customer Success Story

Registered Email™ and Email Encryption

Phil Tan, CFO of Beere & Purves Insurance, chose RMail® to secure emails for HIPAA Compliance, save costs using Registered Email™ service, and be ready for legality with Registered Receipt™.

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Customer Success Story

Registered Email™ and Email Encryption

Butcher Robinson & Staples, a leading independent insurance broker at Lloyd’s, solved many of their issues all at once using RMail® and its features: Track & Prove, and Email Encryption.

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Customer Success Story

eSignature and Email Encryption

The Department of Natural Resources in the Commonwealth of Kentucky saved over $26,000 in the first 9 months of using RMail® Registered Email™ service.

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Customer Success Story

Electronic Signature and Email Encryption

Top O’Michigan Insurance Agency Inc. became an RMail® customer when their burdensome old workflow routine of “printing, signing, scanning and shredding” applications impacted agency productivity.

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Customer Success Story

eSignature and Email Encryption

Renaissance Alliance Group is using RMail® Registered Email™, email encryption and electronic signature services for secure electronic contract execution, which is accessible within users’ Microsoft Outlook and iPad devices.

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Customer Success Story

Registered Email™ and eSignature service

Christine Sams, a leading RE/MAX realtor at Seattle Global Broker, used RMail® Registered Email™ and electronic signature services to protect her clients’ interests when sending notices that had time critical deadlines.

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Customer Success Story

Registered Email™ service

Brian Fleming, a commercial real estate broker at Keller Williams, used RMail® Registered Email™ service for verifiable proof of email delivery and verifiable proof of email content.

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Customer Success Story

Registered Email™ service

Nine-year RMail® customer, Engel & Siegel LLC, a Chicago-based law firm, has been successfully proving their email delivery and email message content to resolve disputes in state and federal courts.

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