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How to Prepare & Send Documents for Electronic Signature

With RSign, preparing a document for electronic signature is as easy as uploading the document. Using a drag and drop process, senders can add input fields such as signature fields, name fields, dates and other input elements for signers to complete in the document. The result is a guided signing process for the recipient.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Designed for simplicity, RSign lets senders quickly and intuitively prepare and send documents for electronic signatures. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: From the RSign dashboard, click “Send”.

Step 2: On the left, senders can find the sending options – document expiry date, reminder frequency for signers, and security access code to open the document (and a lot more).

Step 3: Add Recipients. Set the order of signers, if you prefer signing in sequence.

Step 4: Attach the document or choose a reusable templates that you or your team created.

Step 5: Add the message and click “Next” to prepare the document.

Step 6: Drag and drop the input fields such as signature fields, name fields, dates and other input elements to guide the signers.

After sending the document for eSigning, the sender will receive a Registered Receipt™ email with timestamped proof of delivery, content and documents attached.