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Tool Tip

RSign E-Disclosure Settings

This video reviews the RSign® E-Disclosure Settings. This includes the Terms of Service settings and the Display Terms of Service in the Signed PDF Signature Certificate option.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. When a signer receives an email inviting them to electronically sign a document, there is a ‘View and Sign Document’ button. When that button is selected it opens up a new tab in their web browser to the document.
  2. Prior to viewing the document or being able to sign the document, you are able to add a Terms of Service, which is configurable to your company’s needs.
  3. You can put any terms of service in this box and when saved, the signer must agree to the terms prior to being able to view or sign the document.
  4. A second option is in the ‘Display Terms of Service in the Signed PDF Signature Certificate’ section, where if selected, the signature certificate will be appended as the last page of the signed document.
  5. When you make any changes to the settings, make sure to press the save button.