It’s simply in our DNA, to be feature-rich plus much more affordable. The last weekend of summer has arrived. The days are getting shorter, the kids are back in school, and your colleagues have all returned tanned from their vacations. Correspondingly, our Mid-Summer Tech Essentials Sale has also wound down. However, there still are a […]
Is Technology Fashionable? What’s Trendy… Can Summer Fashion Meet Technology? In fashion, about this time of summer, all those light breezy summer clothes start to appear on sale. It’s like clockwork. Mid-summer sales.
With RMail for Gmail, Millions of Users Can Now Send Registered Email Messages from their Gmail Compose Interface Stockholm, Sweden, and Los Angeles, CA —September 23, 2014– Today, RPost announced the availability of its heavily-anticipated RMail extension for Gmail for national postal operators worldwide. RMail® for Gmail creates an easy method for national postal operators […]
How to Say ‘Leave Me Alone’ without an ‘Opposite Shock’ A year ago, there was a sudden “shock” to the world that caused mass disruption in people’s normal routines, forcing an uncomfortable behavioral change for most. This pandemic-induced shift to an isolated work-from-home (WFH) routine should become a shibboleth once vaccines flow freely. But perhaps […]
In recent briefings, we have reported on Internet criminals’ behavior with regards to researching their victims’ professional profiles and associations (using LinkedIn recruiter tools, for example) and using these social cues to lure unsuspecting victims into sending money to imposter accounts.
Earlier this week, Microsoft announced its acquisition of social networking site LinkedIn for $26.2 billion. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, summarized the acquisition as follows: “We are in pursuit of a common mission centered on empowering people and organizations.”
When it comes to getting a new car, one of the first decisions many consider is whether to buy or lease. Of course, there are pros and cons to either approach. Buying a car means you own it (and perhaps get positive feelings about owning it), and you have more freedom over its use; you […]
Big Brother has Built Geofences to Control Behavior, Tesla Drivers Beware City Hall Can Now Control Your Location. The Snowden revelations opened the general public’s eyes to the (alleged) eavesdropping by the NSA and other government organizations. The Hong Kong protests showed the world how today’s mass video surveillance uses facial recognition to identify the […]
OOO No! Was Gmail Brought Down by Overworked Vacation Seekers? Google suffered not one, but two outages this week, with its Gmail (among other Google services) going dark for several hours at a time. Many Gmail users reported emails bouncing back and other error messages. At their peak, these outages affected a vast number of […]
Are We Still in an Interconnected World? Apple’s Big Sur Sure Made Us Aware Are we still living in an interconnected world? There is now talk of more isolation — that is unless you have your COVID immunity passport (as we discussed in our article “The “New” Haves and Have Nots”). While travel may become […]
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025