By now you’ve probably had your fill of holiday special offers that really aren’t that special in addition to nausea-inducing cliches about ‘the season of giving’. And if you hear that Mariah Carey song one more time, you may say and do some very grinchy things.
Going back to special offers that aren’t really that special, Google announced last Friday that it’s allowing pre-approved Google Workspace users to be able to encrypt their messages “client-side” so that Google servers cannot study your email content!?
This is a grinch of an encryption service.
First, they are telling you that you ought to encrypt your message with its client-side encryption service in your browser BEFORE it goes through the Gmail servers. Otherwise, Gmail will continue its addiction to reading and cataloging your email content!
But set aside that for a second, as they’ve also now made it too complicated for the average user to figure out how to make it so Google cannot study and memorize your email content; they require users to get (aka buy) S/MIME certificates for each user, configure these secret keys, and declare yourself to a web-based identity provider. Only then, just maybe, can you send your encrypted message if, of course, you have shared your secret keys with each recipient.
[Get the RMail for Gmail Chrome Add-in Here, Free!]
Enter RMail where the encryption is the gift that keeps giving time and happiness (and you have to love that holiday red color in our logos!). RMail automatically delivers encrypted with the simplest user experience for each recipient and provides manual or automated options for delivery using different levels of encryption or different recipient experiences.
And, we’ve always made “client-side encryption” the default (without senders needing to know what S/MIME is), so you can easily and always send your email without Google or other servers in the route studying your email content.
The fact is that with more and more sophisticated cybercriminals out there, you’re better off encrypting more and more out of an abundance of caution. This means that it must be blissfully easy for the intended recipient (not Google) of your encrypted emails to actually read them. Otherwise, you (and your IT staff) will be overwhelmed with frustrated recipients, which can then snowball into unhappy senders and valuable time wasted sorting out where and how to find or open that critical off-hours email.
RMail email encryption also includes a one-click, bi-directional encrypted reply option for recipients and returns a Registered Receipt™ email record to the sender, serving as auditable proof of data privacy compliance (i.e. HIPAA, GDPR) on a message-by-message basis. Plus, now it will tell you if your email recipient’s account is actively being eavesdropped on by cybercriminals!
Also know about Secure Email
AND here’s a truly special offer for these holidays: We’ll give you 25% off any new business license, if you sign up before the end of the year, and add the words “Holiday Special” in the comment field of this form (click here).
From all of us here at RPost, have a fantastic holiday week, and we hope you’re gearing up for a healthy and prosperous 2023. Please contact us to learn more about RMail and its decidedly non-grinchy email encryption.
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