Remember the good old pre-pandemic days when you would get one of those internal emails about a “brown bag” lunch? Maybe, if you were lucky, your company would foot the bill for catering. At RPost, we would have our Thursday lunches brought into our LA office, and we all would commune to talk about everything from movies to the latest advancements in encryption technology—all in person and without masks. Imagine that.
These “brown bags” or “lunch-and-learns” were often the only time in a given week where everyone could get together with the purpose of collectively learning or discussing important company issues. Some were more formal and structured than others, but no matter, these functions served an important purpose in terms of ideation, camaraderie, and communications.
Enter Covid-19, the disrupter of all things, and these company lunch functions have either disappeared or gone virtual. Interestingly, as early as 2015, Deloitte was writing think pieces on how virtual teams can create “water cooler chat” through “virtual socializing”. Like many things, Covid once again may be simply accelerating a process that had already begun. As more people work from home and/or work from remote locations, novel new approaches had to be found to recreate the communal magic of the “brown bag”.
You’ll recall that in June, we hosted our Optimize!2020 eSign and E-Security virtual conference, which had a virtual cocktail reception at the end of all the sessions. Now we are offering a “virtual lunch-and-learn” webinar on Wednesday Aug 19 at 11am PT / 2pm ET. So, what exactly does this mean?
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Attendee customers and those considering RMail and RSign can submit a photo of their lunch receipt and we’ll treat, sending $20 virtually to cover the cost of your pizza, sandwich, salad, or whatever else you’re eating for lunch.
The short 45-minute format of this webinar will showcase Optimize!2020 eSign & E-Security highlights and will be hosted by me along with other RPost team members, vice president of products, and industry specialists, as they present what customers around the world learned. Think of it as a brown bag for those who want to learn more about feature-rich eSign and e-security plus affordability.
Click here to register.
We’re reimagining the brown bag lunch with the hopes of stimulating some interesting new discussion and sharing some important insights. We hope you can join us next week!
February 21, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 07, 2025
January 31, 2025
January 24, 2025