In a society that embraces online shopping, GPS location tracking, mobile texting and email anytime and anywhere, it is no wonder that technology’s promise of convenience continues to overrule many peoples’ instincts to protect and secure their private information.
In recent briefings, we have reported on Internet criminals’ behavior with regards to researching their victims’ professional profiles and associations (using LinkedIn recruiter tools, for example) and using these social cues to lure unsuspecting victims into sending money to imposter accounts.
Lawyers have always had a duty to be competent in technology, but the ABA Model Rule put this duty in writing, impacting cybersecurity practices. Twenty states have followed the ABA’s lead and adopted a duty of technological competence, all but requiring encryption.
The RPost team thanks you, our community of users, customers, partners, shareholders, and advocates, for another exciting year at RPost. Your support enables the RPost team to continue innovating for our customers, and to maintain RPost as a worldwide leader in cyber security, compliance, and productivity solutions.
Your Face is Your Password Biometric data may soon be replacing passwords on a large scale. We’re not just talking about fingerprints. Google, Samsung and Apple, among others, are working to integrate eye scans, face and head shape, voice recognition and even body movement into their security features. The new iPhone 8 will offer some […]
The RPost team thanks you, our community of users, customers, partners, shareholders, and advocates, for another exciting year at RPost. Your support enables the RPost team to continue innovating for our customers, and to maintain RPost as a worldwide leader in cyber security, compliance, and productivity solutions.
What is Your Mood Worth? Why all of the hype around Facebook privacy revelations? After all, the purpose of Facebook is to share your information (albeit, among your closest friends).
2018 was a busy year in the cyber world; in particular, in the areas where we focus — messaging security, privacy compliance, e-delivery and eSign productivity.
Big Brother has Built Geofences to Control Behavior, Tesla Drivers Beware City Hall Can Now Control Your Location. The Snowden revelations opened the general public’s eyes to the (alleged) eavesdropping by the NSA and other government organizations. The Hong Kong protests showed the world how today’s mass video surveillance uses facial recognition to identify the […]
Iowa’s Shadowy Results (You Get What You Pay for with Tech) The ‘results’ from the Iowa caucuses provided a teachable moment for anyone who uses technology, which is to say everyone who reads this article.
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025