Drag And Drop

Automate Business Processes Using Electronic Signatures

April 01, 2019 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The eSign Revolution and its Evolution Impressions of eSignatures today still depend on who you ask. Many users report eSignatures today as “a life saver”, but some still think of eSignature services as “scary to use” or “simply not trustworthy”.

Eliminate Repetitive Tasks and Finish the Work Efficiently with RSign’s “Template Rules”

November 22, 2019 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Secret to Workplace Bliss (eSign Bliss) It is easy to fall into a workplace routine; you know how to get something done and your process works. Eventually you look to train others to use the shortcuts and process that you have found works, happy to hand off the tasks to another.