
How $125 Million Was Stolen in a Real Estate Transaction and How RPost PRE-Crime™ Can Protect

August 30, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Story of Multi-Party Impersonation schemes; one person poses on both sides of a transaction via tactics like AI clones to siphon large sums.

Speaking to a multi-family-office real estate investor, he mentioned that his colleague mis-sent $125 million in a San Francisco commercial real estate transaction closing, with the funds ultimately routing off to Nigeria. Yes, $125 million!

Prevent Data Leaks & Stop Cybercrime Before It Happens

August 09, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

A Leak Locked is Not a Breach, if Not Seen.

Armand here, RPost’s armadillo product evangelist. Over the recent few days, we’ve been showcasing a new paradigm in email, document and content security.

Mastering Conversation with AI: The Art of Prompting for Powerful Interactions

August 18, 2023 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The Art of Prompting – unleashing the power of conversation in the age of AI

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." This quote attributed to Socrates, while controversial, underscores the importance of humility in our quest for knowledge.

Ransomware-As-a-Service a Big Problem for Small & Large Businesses

July 12, 2021 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

We Predicted the Death of Ransomware in 2017. Oh, Time Machines. We first wrote about Ransomware attacks in Tech Essentials in 2017 – back when a Bitcoin was valued at $1800 (oh, the good old days). The crux of the article was that many victims were paying their ransom to the cyber perpetrators, but they […]

Email Security and Privacy

July 07, 2021 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Independence from Big Brother, Big Tech and Big Putin This time of year, Americans are obviously thinking about independence. And this year, independence will take on even greater importance because the lockdowns are over, and we are free again to travel to see our friends and family for the holiday.

How to Stop Business Email Impostor Looking Like They Came From You

May 14, 2021 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

RPost is Boldly Going Where Only A Few Rovers Have Gone Before… There’s a lot going on at RPost these days. We’ve announced the first in a series of SMART enhancements to RMail and RSign as the start of its SMART-as-a-Service 2021 product updates. These enhancements automate important features while also considering the importance of the human factor […]

AI Based Compliance Automation with RMail

May 10, 2021 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Is the End of Multitasking Here? What do Napoleon, Robert Oppenheimer, and Abraham Lincoln have in common (aside from being famous)? Allegedly, they were all horrible multitaskers. In fact, multitasking, or the ability to deal with more than one discrete task at once, is not necessarily something we humans were ever naturals at.

The Race to Control Your Home: Artificial Intelligence is Here

November 18, 2016 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Even as early adopters today are already speaking with their household appliances, lighting systems, home security network, and computing devices through cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) enabled systems, one question comes to mind. Which AI system will lead the way to eventual mass market adoption: Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s homeKit, Microsoft’s Cortana personal assistant, or perhaps the […]

Of Course, Alexa has Control of Your House

May 28, 2018 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Recent reports of the amazing eavesdropping power and home control Amazon’s Alexa has (similar to other voice-assistances) should not surprise. Its inherent in how these virtual assistants work.

Encrypt Your Email, Keep the Data Private

February 24, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Have No Fear, High Tech Quarantines are Here! If you are stuck on a cruise ship in the South China Sea, it might be a good time to fear the new coronavirus. But if you are living in a modern city, have no fear. High tech quarantines are here. Your government can impose (and enforce) […]