Most would agree that “who said what when” is at the centre of most disputes. In today’s email-centric world, many turn to their “Sent Folder” or “Inbox” to demonstrate who said what when. They may forward these emails to the people with whom they are in dispute, or may print the email to serve as […]
Most disputes center on who said what to whom and when. When an email gets lost without the sender being aware, the entire conversation or negotiation can derail, and there can be serious financial and/or reputational damage as a consequence.
In the final part of our three part series on common misconceptions about email delivery, we’ll discuss a type of system that many attorneys use and believe can prove fact of e-delivery.
In the past, for individuals and small businesses, cyber security was important to mitigate the inconvenience of spam, viruses that required restoring back-ups of corrupt files, and letters to credit bureaus to clear up identity theft issues.
Email security has been a hot topic as of late, with last week’s news of a supposed breach of 272 million email usernames and passwords and recent statements made by a hacker who claims to have accessed Hillary Clinton’s private email server two years before the private server’s existence was first reported by the New York Times. In the […]
Email encryption is one of the strongest defenses that an organization can implement against data breaches brought on by the improper disclosure or distribution of medical records or protected health information (PHI). But without written policies and procedures governing the use of encryption services, these efforts mean next to nothing in the eyes of HIPAA […]
You may remember the 2012 LinkedIn data breach, in which 6.5 million LinkedIn user accounts were believed to have been compromised. According to BBC and LinkedIn itself, the number of affected LinkedIn users from that 2012 data breach could actually be upwards of 100 million, or the majority of the 165 million users LinkedIn had in 2012.
RPost has launched an educational campaign to ensure that registered investment advisors (RIA’s) can securely communicate with clients and comply with rules enforced by auditors and regulatory organizations.
In the recent Tech Essentials article “Changing Trends in Cyber Security,” we highlighted how hackers are becoming more innovative in their ability to use generally available social media (i.e. LinkedIn recruiter tools) and other business applications to target email recipients with imposter email and lure them into wiring money to hackers.
You may have noticed that when you send a large file attachment by email, it sometimes gets kicked back to you undelivered with an error message that says something like: “The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit.” But what are these limits? And how can you securely send a large file attachment when it’s too […]
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025