Proof Of Delivery

Registered Email Service for Communications with Federal Entities

December 14, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Industry/Function: Transportation-Airlines / Regulatory Location: United States RPost Service: Registered Email™ service

US Law firm eliminated $50,000 in overnight courier costs

December 15, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Industry/Function: Law / Litigation Location: United States RPost Service: Registered Email Services

How to Deliver E-Certificates Securely for Sender & Recipient

December 03, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

There is set of RPost services that when combined, provide for an elegant and secure way of transmitting electronic insurance certificates, electronic titles (real estate, land, auto titles), permits, regulator issued licenses, and university transcripts while ensuring:

What is Local Time? Time Zone Determination on Registered Email™ receipts

December 01, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

We often receive inquiries as to how the ‘local time’ is pegged to a user’s time zone when a sender may be logging in from different computers in different time zones.

Reduce Paperwork and Other Costs While Speeding Deal Closing Time

November 24, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Factoring and commercial finance firms worldwide are gaining an edge by going paperless, but not without first managing the risks of standard email.

Don’t Let Your E-Evidence Get Trashed

November 22, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The Best Article Describing Issues with Email Proof, Email Fraud, and E-Discovery.  “Don’t Let Your  Get Trashed” One of the best articles that we have come across that succinctly discusses the issues associated with email proof, email fraud, electronic discovery of stored information, ease of manipulating email records, and difficulty in authenticating email records that […]

“E-Discovery” – The Discovery and Retrieval of Electronically Stored Information

November 16, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The following is a useful primer for those that need to consider the evolving methods and concerns in dealing with electronic discovery of documents and information in the context of a current or potential legal dispute.

Reference to Court E-Discovery Rules – Context for Registered Email™

November 11, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Having received some recent inquiries from customers about relying on RPost’s service records (in particular, the Registered Receipt™ emails associated with the Registered Email™ services for email proof and the email encryption service) in the context of responding to e-discovery requests, we have added the following quick reference for paper and resources to the e-discovery […]

People Do Alter Email and Electronic Documents to Their Own Advantage

November 10, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Just when you thought that you were getting comfortable with email records and e-discovery concerns… Until it happens to you or a colleague, most people pay little attention to the risks of conducting important business or personal transactions using simple email only to have its content or delivery challenged after-the-fact. Since RPost is in the business […]

When Can You Convert Legal Notices to Registered Email™ Messages?

October 08, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

I was recently asked a question by an insurance company in Massachusetts that is likely a question on the minds of many who are looking to cut cost and reduce paper and mail use in the insurance sector. As such, let me share my response to their question, “…could we move to convert our thousands of […]