RPost now permits sending messages and documents to lists with no minimum volumes and no monthly recipient address commitments. Sent items may be email message body text or email messages with attached documents in:
RPost ha establecido el estándar para evidencia digital, privacidad y firma electrónica globalmente. En Colombia, el servicio postal 4-72 y la Autoridad Certificadora de Firma Digital, Certicamara, entidad organizada por las Cámaras de Comercio de Colombia, se unieron con RPost en 2009 para lanzar el servicio de Correo Electrónico Certificado en el ámbito local bajo la marca CertiM@il, […]
RPost for Outlook 2000-2010 is an integrated messaging platform that provides for legal electronic messaging, business productivity, unique messaging collaboration, email encryption security and document signing services – all offered through a light plug-in that adds a special “Send Registered” button to the Outlook toolbar for on-demand functionality. As part of this significant upgrade, RPost […]
At the request of the Public Technology Institute, the trade organization for city and county chief information officers across the United States, RPost prepared a guide to navigating the complexities of managing electronically stored information. Frank Maguire, RPost’s vice president of business planning & development prepared this guide which was recently published as a chapter in […]
The following article, “Email Carries the Power of Paper” is useful to demonstrate that text typed in email may carry the same weight as text memorialized in paper documents. However, one should consider that if one is to rely on email records, they should ensure that the integrity of the content of those records and the time of […]
Contributed by Judge Dana Senit Henry (ret.) – After working as a Judicial officer for many years, Judge Henry now serves as a mediator, arbitrator, and private Judge. She has been an advisor and commissioner to city, county and state agencies, corporations and community based organizations.
How to Use the Force in Your Next Video Conference We at Tech Essentials were all saddened to learn of the death of David Prowse this week. He was the actor who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars movies—though the character was actually voiced by James Earl Jones. Funny aside: you can watch the scenes where Prowse’s […]
What Sports Center “Top 10” Highlight Reels Mean to E-Learning As Remember the good old days when there was an abundance of live sporting events on television? The time slots for those big games may have been elusive. What to do? Set your DVR to record it. Settle down with a bag of chips later […]
What is a “virtual conference” anyway? Is it a webinar? What about the receptions? April and May introduced the world to the growing potential of video web meetings. Some of the daring, agile businesses that had a slew of cancelled in-person conferences in Las Vegas, Orlando, and other conference cities have transitioned to virtual conferences.
Practicing Fake Eye Contact in Video Meetings There are some positive changes in human behavior accelerated by this current health crisis. One is easily being able to identify what a 6-foot distance looks like – or the measurements used in Canada (one hockey stick length) and in Florida (one alligator length). Another is the realization […]
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025