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RMail Track & Prove Service

The RMail Track and prove features comes with two options, ‘marked’ and ‘unmarked’. Emails marked as a registered email message are design to stand out in the receivers inbox as a message of high importance. This includes a banner that says ‘Registered Email’ in the email body. ‘Unmarked’ emails provide the sender with the same registered receipt email protection but the recipient receives a standard looking email with no marking our banner on the email body.

Summary of Features and Benefits

Emails marked as a Registered Email™ message are designed to stand out in the recipient’s mailbox and to show the recipient that the sender is treating the email with high importance. The markings include the word ‘Registered’ at the beginning of the subject line and a banner in the email body. The banner has the text ‘Registered Email Certified Delivery.’

Unmarked emails provide the sender with the same registered receipt email protection, but with the Unmarked feature, the recipient receives a standard looking email with no email markings.